Village ID/IOT Labs


About Us

We are a Canadian registered Non-Profit Organization (NPO). Village ID/IOT Labs was founded on these three simple pillars:


To promote awareness of security vulnerabilities and defenses against such vulnerabilities


To advance education by providing workshops, seminars and training programs on existing, new and emerging security topics


To conduct research and development in the pursuit of responsible disclosure through security vulnerability discovery

Events & Services

The two main outreach events are IoT Village and RFID Village. We run these events at various Information Security Conferences across Canada.

RFID Village

The RFID village offers a showcase of some of the more common RFID access controls, and endeavors to show attendees the common weaknesses of these controls. Using specialized RFID tools, attendees can read and clone low frequency access cards, and test them out on our miniaturized doors.
In addition, we introduce attendees to high frequency RFID cards, and some of the attacks on early versions such as the MiFare Classic, and how later iterations improved on the security of the cards.

IoT Village

The flagship event is our IoT Village CTF (Capture the Flag) competition. The CTF consists of participants hacking numerous off-the-shelf devices (e.g. medical devices, home appliances, routers, and storage devices, cameras etc).
As you can imagine, this is quite energizing, exciting and piques a lot of curiosity as a hands-on/applied security event!
Our other events include an IoT 0-day challenge where participants can hunt for new vulnerabilities in the latest IoT devices, and an IoT CTF 101 where participants can use pre-configured laptops with the necessary testing tools and obtain key hints to help them solve the basic level challenges for the IoT Village CTF. 

Research & Development

We take pride in providing responsible disclosure for the proactive discovery of security vulnerabilities we uncover during assessments of various devices, firmwares and protocols. We look forward to providing you with active feedback on your product or technology.

Schedule of Events

Event Date Location
BSides San Francisco 23/24 February 2020 San Francisco, CA, USA
RSA Conference 2020 25-28 February 2020 San Francisco, CA, USA
BSides Vancouver 22-24 March 2020 Sept 27-29, 2020 Vancouver, BC
BSides Charm 4/5 April 2020 Sept 5/6, 2020 Baltimore, MD
ATLSECCON 28/29 April 2020 Halifax, NS
BSides Brussels 28 May 2020 Brussels, Belgium
DEFCON [SafeMode] 28 6-9 Aug 2020 Las Vegas, NV // VIRTUAL

Our Sponsors

With their generous help, we're able to deliver amazing villages at security conferences across Canada. Thank you!

Title Sponsor Bit Defender
Reform Labs

Contact Us

Get in touch with us about being involved at your next event, or sponsorship opportunities!